The occupation's crimes continued on January 1, 2009 as they targeted the leaders of the resistance. The occupiers have bombarded 50 homes since the beginning of the Israeli massacre and aggression against our people in Gaza six days ago, as part of an ongoing attempt to assassinate resistance leaders and commanders and target the families of these leaders. The latest Israeli crime targeted Nizar Rayan, a leader in Hamas, killing him and 13 others, including 9 members of his family, including his children.
The resistance forces have continued to strike at the occupier, and in response to this crime and the ongoing assassination campaign, fired over 50 missiles today, targeting the occupied cities of Bir Saba, Asqelan, the Western Naqab, the settlement of Sderot and introducing missiles of greater range than those ever used in the past by the Palestinian resistance.
Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, continued to carry out a series of heroic operations in unity and coordination with all of the Palestinian resistance groups. AAMB bombed Sderot with two Sumoud missiles at 8 AM, and shelled Yad Mordechai with two Sumoud missiles at 11 AM, in a joint operation with Saraya Al-Quds, the military wing of Islamic Jihad.
In a joint operation with Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of Fateh, AAMB shelled Zakeem and Avukim with two missiles at 1 PM.
AAMB also shelled occupied al-Majdal with a Sumoud missile at 1:40 PM and Yad Mordechai with two Sumoud missiles at 4:15 PM.
AAMB shells the enemy with Grad missilesOn Wednesday, December 31, 2008, AAMB shelled Azata and the Western Naqab with two Grad missiles at 6 PM.
Earlier in the day, AAMB bombed the artillery airstrip east of Juhar al-Deek with 100mm mortars at 12:15 PM.
AAMB stressed in its statements that the resistance will continue and that the occupier, despite its assassinations, massacres and crimes against our people, will continue to face our steadfast and escalating resistance. AAMB called for victory and stated that the enemy will be defeated.