
Occupation attack against AAMB fails; AAMB shells Sderot and other colonies

Israeli forces failed in assassination and attack attempt against a group of Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades fighters after AAMB shelled Sderot on Thursday, February 28 at 8:15 AM. Despite the Israeli bombing the group returned safely.

In the last four days, the AAMB has shelled the colonies of Sderot, Kissufim, Western Negev, Kfar Azza, with mortars and rockets. The enemy reported casualties as a result of these shellings.

AAMB has also carried out joint operations with Al-Aqsa Brigades and Saraya al-Quds.

AAMB reported that these actions come in response to the ongoing Israeli massacres against our people, and affirm our commitment to continue to resist and to build national unity of the resistance against the occupier.


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