
Israel kills 38 Palestinians in 72 hours in Gaza using US weapons

March 1, 2008 - Over the past 72 hours, Israeli Occupation Forces have continued their atrocities in the West Bank and Gaza, particularly in the Gaza Strip, where, over the past 72 hours, using air attacks, planes and missiles, have massacred 38 Palestinians, one-third of whom were children.

The assault on the Gaza Strip has particularly targeted civil and social institutions, including medical centers and trade union headquarters. These actions have taken place largely using U.S. weaponry - the United States supplies billions of dollars in weaponry and military aid to Israel every year, including some of its deadliest weapons used against the Palestinian people.

Occupation officials continued to intensify their threats against the Palestinian people amidst these massacres, threatening to ramp up their invasion of Gaza with a ground invasion and attempting to threaten the resistance and the Palestinian people as a whole. A spokesperson for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine commented on the role of the United States, noting that the U.S. is responsible along with Israel for these crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people, stating that U.S. military, political and economic support make the daily crimes of Israel possible, and have made them possible for the past 60 years, noting that any international effort to address Palestinian rights is immediately blocked by the United States.

Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, along with the PFLP, noted that these massacres will not stop the resistance nor shatter the unity of the Palestinian people in confronting the occupation, stating that the resistance will continue to struggle against the occupation in the face of the daily massacres and crimes that characterize the nature of the Zionist state. Many protested against the massacres and chanted, calling upon the Palestinian resistance to avenge the massacre.



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